Numéro Homme 42

Numéro Homme 42 Fall-Winter 2021-2022​​​
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Numéro Homme 42 Fall-Winter 2021-2022 features the confessions of Garry Kasparov, the Russian chess champion who is strongly opposed to his country's repressive policies, as seen through the lens of Juergen Teller.

Also included: a no-holds-barred interview with Chicago artist Theaster Gates, who is building the foundations of a more equitable world in his hometown; a guided tour by Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei of his major retrospective in Portugal; an inventory of objects and personal archives of refugees and activists photographed by Guido Mocafico, who reminds us of the importance of the LGBTQI struggle today, ex-stand-up star Stéphane Bak, who intends to shake up the stereotypes of French cinema adulated by the American industry and who has just released his second album, and the Mode series signed by Jackie Nickerson, Sølve Sundsbø, Jean-Baptiste Mondino, Carlotta Manaigo and Charles Fréger.

Numéro has been a leading media in the world of fashion, contemporary art and culture. 

Numéro magazine creates a unique editorial and visual language blending fashion, beauty, art, and design. Numéro offers three editions: Numéro, Numéro Homme, Numéro Art.